Embarking on an ab day at the gym can feel like a mixed bag of emotions — it’s exciting to work towards a stronger core, yet the discomfort during exercises like planks and sit-ups can be a stark reminder of why ab day is notorious for its challenge.
But fear not, you don’t have to dive straight into advanced moves like TRX pikes or hanging leg raises to sculpt your core. Starting with a beginner-friendly routine allows you to gradually build strength, minimizing the risk of injuries or debilitating soreness that might deter you from future workouts. So, if it’s been a while since your last ab session, consider giving this accessible and straightforward beginner ab day workout a try.
Foundational Ab Day Principles
Firstly, it’s worth noting that ab day doesn’t necessarily have to be a standalone workout. You can integrate a few sets of ab exercises into the end of another routine or even before a cardio session. Alternatively, you can dedicate a session solely to ab exercises. Just ensure you warm up adequately beforehand to prepare your muscles for the workout ahead.
Furthermore, it’s important to recognize that most strength exercises engage your core to some extent. Therefore, additional core-specific sets or designated ab days may not be necessary unless you’re specifically targeting this area. Ultimately, the goal of ab day is to focus on strengthening your core muscles.
The primary muscle groups targeted during ab workouts include the internal and external obliques (side abs), the rectus abdominis (commonly known as the six-pack), and the transverse abdominis (deep core muscles). Exercises may also engage muscles that support the core, such as those in the low back, hips, and glutes.
Strong abdominal muscles are essential for maintaining posture, stability, and transferring energy between the upper and lower body. Weak abs can contribute to issues like low back pain and other injuries. Therefore, when incorporating ab exercises into your routine, it’s crucial to opt for a well-rounded approach that targets all areas of the core.
Rather than focusing solely on exercises like sit-ups, which primarily engage the rectus abdominis, aim for a variety of movements that evenly target each abdominal muscle group. This comprehensive approach not only tightens your midsection but also helps prevent or alleviate back pain.
Beginner Ab Day Routine
If you’re incorporating this ab day workout at the start of your fitness regimen or as a standalone session, it’s crucial to warm up adequately. Spend approximately 5 to 10 minutes engaging in light cardio like walking or jogging, accompanied by a few dynamic stretches to prepare your body for the exercises ahead.
Once you’re properly warmed up, aim to complete two to three sets of each exercise, aiming for 15 to 20 repetitions per set unless specified otherwise. If time is a constraint, select three to four exercises from the list provided, ensuring to include at least one targeting the obliques, transverse abdominis, and rectus abdominis.
Dead Bug Exercise

The dead bug exercise is designed to activate the transverse abdominis and spinal erectors, enhancing core stability and spinal support. It also fosters coordination in contra-limb movement, involving simultaneous extension of opposite arm and leg. Here’s how to perform it:
- Lie on your back with arms extended directly over your chest.
- Bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor, positioning knees and hips at 90-degree angles, with knees aligned over hips.
- Engage your core muscles and maintain torso stability without twisting side to side.
- Slowly extend your right arm backward alongside your ear while simultaneously extending your left leg.
- Ensure controlled movements, with neither hand nor leg touching the floor.
- Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side to complete one repetition.
Bird Dog Crunch

Similar to the dead bug exercise, the bird dog crunch targets the transverse abdominis, spinal erectors, rectus abdominis, and glutes. However, it is executed from a hands-and-knees position, intensifying engagement of glutes, low back, and rectus abdominis. Here’s how to execute it:
- Begin on all fours on a mat, aligning hands under shoulders and knees under hips.
- Engage your core, drawing your navel toward your spine, and ensure a straight back from tailbone to head.
- Lift your right hand and extend it forward, pointing towards the front of the room while simultaneously extending your left leg behind you.
- Maintain a stable torso as you reverse the movement, bringing your arm and leg back to center.
- As you return, crunch your abdominals, drawing your right elbow toward your left knee under your torso.
- Complete a full set with your right arm and left leg before switching sides for balance.