Stone age exercise
I’ve been reading a lot recently about «paleo» approaches to fitness — which goes hand in hand with the increasingly popular paleo diet (or «lifestyle» as it’s often presented). The …
Stone age exercise Read MoreMuscle-News.com — Sports blog and training
Muscle-News.com — Sports blog and training
I’ve been reading a lot recently about «paleo» approaches to fitness — which goes hand in hand with the increasingly popular paleo diet (or «lifestyle» as it’s often presented). The …
Stone age exercise Read MoreMost people know that regular exercise is good for your health. New research shows it may make you smarter, too. Neuroscientists at OHSU in Portland, Oregon, working with mice, have …
A short bout of exercise enhances brain function Read MoreNearly 50 years after man’s first steps on the moon, researchers have discovered a way that may help astronauts spending prolonged time in space come back to Earth on more …
Astronauts less likely to faint on Earth if they exercise in space; findings may help others with fainting issues Read MoreNew research coming out of UBC’s Okanagan campus demonstrates that upbeat music can make a rigorous workout seem less tough. Even for people who are insufficiently active. Matthew Stork is …
Upbeat music can sweeten tough exercise Read MoreA program with clear rules, routines and activities, attentive adults and a chance to interact with peers appears to work as well at improving the quality of life, mood and …
Supervised fun, exercise both provide psychosocial benefit to children with obesity Read MorePatients with metastatic colorectal cancer who engaged in moderate exercise while undergoing chemotherapy tended to have delayed progression of their disease and fewer severe side effects from treatment, according to …
Exercise associated with benefit to patients with advanced colorectal cancer Read MoreExercise is known to reduce blood pressure — but the activity of bacteria in our mouths may determine whether we experience this benefit, according to new research. An international team …
Mouthwash use could inhibit benefits of exercise Read MoreAfter having surgery, many older adults develop delirium, the medical term for sudden and severe confusion. In fact, between 10 and 67 percent of older adults experience delirium after surgery …
Physical and mental exercise lower chances for developing delirium after surgery Read MoreResearchers have found no evidence of elevated cardiac risk in runners who completed a 24-hour ultramarathon (24UM), despite the transient elevation of blood biomarkers that measure cardiac health. According to …
Extreme exercise can strain the heart without causing permanent damage Read MoreExercise immediately prior to and during pregnancy restores key tissues in the body, making them better able to manage blood sugar levels and lowering the risk of long term health …
Exercise in pregnancy improves health of obese mothers by restoring their tissues, mouse study finds Read MoreExercising several times a week may delay brain deterioration in people at high risk for Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study that scientists say merits further research to establish whether …
Exercise could slow withering effects of Alzheimer’s Read MoreA paper recently published by researchers from the Ohio Musculoskeletal and Neurological Institute (OMNI) at the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine questions the effectiveness of a patented exercise system for …
‘Cross-transfer’ benefits of special exercise technique questioned Read More